Posts tagged new age
What New Age Spirituality Gets Right and What it Doesn’t

New Age spirituality isn’t really new anymore. In fact, it’s been around for a few decades, so these days it’s really just branded spirituality. Yet, ask anyone what spirituality or New Age spirituality really is, and the answers will likely be all over the place. New Age spirituality has given rise to so many different modalities, ideas, theories, truths/half-truths, pseudo-sciences, and feel-good totems, it’s become a kitchen sink of spirituality. From body and wellness to astrology, mindfulness and meditation, energy healing, channeling, chanting, sweating, Tarot, Angels, Star seeds, crystals and so on, there’s seemingly no end. With such an exhaustive list, it’s no wonder that New Age spirituality is difficult to really encapsulate, which feeds a common perception that it’s wishy-washy and lacks any true identity.

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