Karma’s My Bitch is podcast about personal and spiritual lessons that work in the real world. Join us, Liz and Rhea, as we talk about what all those new age terms mean for life on earth and how a change in perspective can change everything. For more information, visit our website, or find us on Instagram.
Series 1: Meeting Ourselves
Episodes 1-20
There’s no straight path to happiness or even nirvana.
So often the challenges we face can help us find the one thing we’ve been looking for, but sometimes we can’t (or don’t want to) read the signs. This series is about breaking down some of life’s experiences around relationships, using them to teach us a few things that we may not have known or understood about ourselves and to discover what it takes to feel truly happy and loved.
Series 2: Growing Up
Episodes 21-40
What does it mean to be a mature, spiritual being?
Growing up isn’t easy, growing into a spiritual being even less so because it requires that we take complete and total responsibility for ourselves—past, present and future. The moment we can accept that we are, and always have been, the architect of our lives is the moment we can create a new reality.
Series 3: Love in Action
Episodes 41-60
Often our love stories end with the happily ever afters or happily for nows.
But the reality is that love connections are merely the beginning of another phase of relationship that brings us to a deeper, more sustaining love with ourselves. This kind of personal commitment can be challenging but worthwhile when we realize the kind of eternal, unconditional love that’s possible.
Series 4: One World
Episodes 61-80
What is Oneness?
We can approach our daily lives with a more expanded consciousness than ever before by confronting all the ways we’ve lived in fear. The less we fear, the less separate we feel—from ourselves and others. And the less separation we experience, the closer to wholeness we get. The more whole we are, the more at one we are. The more at one we become, the more at one our world can be.
Series 4.1: Another World
Episodes 81-100
True spirituality incorporates our entire self, our whole identity and sense of divine reality into the teachings of spirit which are merely an extension of our true nature. Only when we understand why we are here, who we are and what our purpose is can we begin to understand how spirituality and our divine presence fits into it all.
[Like life on Earth, everything has its own order, even if it doesn’t appear to be. This season comes before Season 5 because there was more information needed to better understand spirituality and Oneness but we could not change the order or names of the series so it became 4.1.]
Series 5: Living Joy
Episodes 101-125
What does it mean to live in Oneness?
After exploring who we are, how we love, and all the choices we make to bring us to becoming our most powerful, divine selves, we can start to understand what it means to live a healed, joyful life. Only then will we be able to create the life and world of our dreams.
Series 7: Spirit in Motion
Episodes 126-145
The ability to express our creative power is only possible when we can be free to create the lives we came to live. While this almost sounds utopic, the only way out of a world that controlled us is by exercising our own power to govern and shape our lives according to our divine purpose. And the only way to move in that direction is to hold the vision that a new world is truly possible.
Series 8: Give What You Got
Episodes 146-165
When we are in our full power, is when we are owning, realizing and living our divinity. To be at-One with the Divine is how we can lead the magical lives that enable us to create a reality far beyond what our limited minds have been able to perceive. This takes learning how to harness our magical prowess in small and big ways, that allows us to experience what it really means to be the Divine in action.
Series 9: Tell Me, Is It Everything You Hoped it Would Be?
Episodes 166-190
There is a lot to magic and fate that are often misunderstood. To untangle them both and be able to experience them optimally, we have to recognize the magical beings we are. To do this requires something we all need a little more of, and that is faith.
Series 10: What If It Never Happened in the First Place?
Episodes 191-210
What if there was no karma? What would we have come here to do?
One thing no one has yet to understand is how magic, bliss and all that makes us truly creative and divine beings weave together to make for a truly happy life—inside and out. we explore how magic and bliss tie together and how, even when we’re living at the maximum of our fate, we can’t quite complete the puzzle of our lives until we master bliss.
Series 11: Can You Find Your Happy Place?
Episodes 211-235
Where is that place where happiness resides? How do we cultivate the freedom required to even glimpse what that looks like for us?
How we define happiness for ourselves depends largely on our purpose. In this season, we explore two fundamental concepts necessary for happiness. The first is how to define your happy and the second is how to sustain it.
Series 12: Making Magic
Episodes 236-255
Magic is unpredictable. And as we said before, so much of it is misunderstood. In this season, we tackle the ever-growing interest in magic and its everyday principles, so you can realize what a magical being you are.
Series 13: Love in the Time of Change
What exactly is bliss? How does it follow magic?
This series will mark two things about our teachings. The first is that it will start to cap off all of the teachings we have shared thus far about karma and magic and how they are the critical steps that bring us to bliss. The second is how bliss and happiness are not necessarily the same thing but the path to one will always lead us to the other, just not always in the order we think.